Zala Ana Štiglic, Zoran Petrovič, Marek Turošík, Monika Pocrnjić, Toni Soprano

Victoria 2.0

An original staging project 14+

KUD Moment & GT22


12.10.2020, Monday / 18:00 / GT22 /
13.10.2020, Tuesday / 10:00 / GT22 /

Opening night December 2016, Intimate Stage GT22
Running time 35 minutes. No intermission. 

A discussion with the creative team after performance. 

Director Zoran Petrovič 
Dramaturg Marek Turošík 
Set and visual designers Monika Pocrnjić, Toni Soprano 
Photographer Toni Soprano 
Set producers Mojmir Ferenc, Matjaž Capi Capuder, Drago Pšunder

Zala Ana Štiglic

Featured topics: self-image, personal goals, perfect look, happiness, inclusion, competition, winning

Winners are self-confident. Winners are passionate. Winners value themselves. Winners know what they want and how to get it. Winners never quit. Winners are disciplined. Winners don’t wait for perfect conditions. Winners know that the greatest risk is to not take risk. Winners only compare themselves to themselves. Winners don’t need anyone’s approval. Winners are healthy and eat healthfully. Winners are well-built and have fine, firm and round behinds. Winners have partners. Winners have sex. Passionate sex. Lots of it. Lots of friends. Winners are loved. Winners love life. And love loves them. Winners are not many. Winners are very few. Winners win. 
Victoria sails between the common topics that occupy us all the time and deals with them in a way that is thorough, surprising and entertaining. The means of performance, ranging widely from rather abstract to the mercilessly concrete, borrow from different genres – from a lecture-demonstration to a witty puppet, object and drama show supported with a video screening, to the preparation and consummation of a heath drink. 
The performance, a collective act of a group, is a part of a wider two-year project Izštekani/Unplugged. 


  • Grünschnabel, a sponsorship award for innovative development in the field of puppet and object theatre. Figura Teaterfestival: Baden, Switzerland, 2018
  • An award for the use of modern technology in puppet animation. International Festival of Puppet Theatre and Animated Films for Adults "Puppet is a Human too": Warsaw, Poland, 2018

The production is listed in the catalogue of quality productions for young audiences on the web platform Zlata palčica:

Victoria 2.0 <em>Photo: Toni Soprano</em>
Photo: Toni Soprano
Victoria 2.0 <em>Photo: Toni Soprano</em>
Photo: Toni Soprano
Victoria 2.0 <em>Photo: Toni Soprano</em>
Photo: Toni Soprano
Victoria 2.0 <em>Photo: Toni Soprano</em>
Photo: Toni Soprano