Maska, Performing Arts Journal … 100 years. 200 issues - Maska..

A guided tour of the exhibition


16.10.2020, Friday / 18:00 / Vetrinjski dvor /
Maska, Performing Arts Journal … 100 years. 200 issues - Maska..
Maska, Performing Arts Journal … 100 years. 200 issues - Maska..
Maska, Performing Arts Journal … 100 years. 200 issues - Maska..

Tour of the exhibition lead by Janez Janša.
The tour is in Slovenian only. 

Curators Janez Janša, Pia Brezavšček, Alja Lobnik
Spatial design and concept Toni Soprano Meneglejte 
Graphic design Nika Lapkovski 
Head of production Tina Dobnik 
Assistant producer Nataša Božič 
Public relations Urška Comino 
Technical management Igor Remet

In 2020, Maska, Performing Arts Journal, is celebrating two major milestones – a centennial of its first issue, and its 200th issue. The year was planned to be celebratory, as three double issues will be published: 200aa, 200bb and 200cc. The gesture aims to symbolically slow down time which seeps away too quickly in the mode of projected temporality of our lives. 

The exhibition represents the dynamic activities of the Maska Institute, which gradually expanded from the initial publishing of a journal to publishing book editions, artistic production and education. Maska is also special because of its rich design history, with a string of names attached to it: France Kralj, Matjaž Vipotnik, Irena Woelle, Samo Lapajne, Martin Bricelj, Martin Mistrik, Miha Turšič, Ajdin Bašić, who all still resonate in our cultural landscape. The visual image of Maska is currently being redesigned under the mentorship Boštjan Botas Kenda and masters’ students of graphic design of the UL ALUO, the first of the three 200th issues was designed by Nika Lapkovski nad Nina Ninković. 

Throughout its long history, Maska’s artistic practice testifies to the fact that the core of its interest is always the questioning of production formats and a permanent expansion of the thought about theatre. The celebration, as well, includes two artistic projects produced by Maska, a performance Parkett Ball by Mateja Bučar and a production of Simona Semenič’s text rowan, strudel, dance, and more. To celebrate the 100th issue, the artists that were featured in the review Maska, were invited to conceive projects to be produced to celebrate the 200th issue, originally planned for the year 2023. 
The exhibition, which includes several levels of materiality – physical, graphic, digital – was designed by Toni Soprano Meneglejte